





Jason David Frank Born September 4, 1973 (age 34)in Covina, California,is an actor and martial artist, perhaps best known
for playing Tommy Oliver in Power Rangers (1993-1997, and 2004 with 242 total episode appearances). He is constently known
as a "Power Ranger Legend".
Frank is the longest appearing male Power Ranger, while Amy Jo Johnson was the female to appear for the longest time. He appeared
in the most Power Rangers episodes, 257 character appearances and 242 actual appearances. He also appeared in the most seasons:
seven (Mighty Morphin, Zeo, Turbo, Wild Force and Dino Thunder). Frank came back to Power Rangers in the special 10th anniversary
episode titled "Forever Red" in Power Rangers Wild Force (2002, reuniting with Austin St. John).
Frank was supposed to be the lead character Ryan Steele in VR Troopers (originally called "Cybertron") and shot a pilot episode
before being called back to Power Rangers. It has been rumored that Brad Hawkins was to replace him originally as the White
Ranger on Power Rangers. However, Hawkins appears in a VR Troopers teaser promo for the MMPR Fan Club video which features
Frank as Tommy the Green Ranger. Frank was already re-committed to MMPR while Hawkins was committed to VR Troopers. The White
Ranger character was likely considered while Hawkins was already working on VR Troopers
With his knowledge of many different styles of martial arts, Frank collected the most practical applications, modified them
with his own philosophies and created his own blend of American Karate, "Toso Kune Do". Most recently, on June 28, 2003, he
was inducted into the World Karate Union Hall of Fame.
Frank has showed interest in Mixed Martial Arts. Frank was scheduled to fight against Ron 'The Badger' McMasters on June 23,
2007 at the Williamson County Pavilion in Marion.The fight never took place, however, as the rules were changed to an exhibition
boxing match. Frank opted out due to his belief that the fight would be commissioned under MMA rules instead of strictly fists.
He also has 5 children and has been married three times.
Film Year Portraying
Fall Guy 2006 John Stewart
Paris 2003 Chad (uncredited)
Groupies 1997
Television program Year Portraying
Ultimate Goals 2005 TV Series Himself
Fighting Spirit 2004 voice of MMPR Green Ranger/White Ranger/Red Zeo Ranger
The Residents of Washington Heights (unaired) 2002 TV Series Dr. Blaine Peterson
MTV's Undressed 1999 TV Series Carl (2000: Season 3)
Magic Parker (unaired)Karate Sensei
Sweet Valley High
A Star Is Torn 1996 A.J.
Shakes, Fries & Videotape 1996 A.J.
Lofty Ambitions 1996 A.J.
Rock Around the Block 1996 A.J.
Family Matters 1996 Pirahna Gang Member
Karate Kids 1996 Skull
Roles on Power Rangers
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Green Ranger
Full Name: Tommy Oliver
Weapons: Dragon Dagger
Gear: Dragon Shield, Power Morpher with Power Coin, Wrist Communicator
Zords: Dragonzord
When Tommy arrived at Angel Grove High, Rita saw him as the perfect person to become her evil Green Ranger. She put him
under a spell and gave him the Dragon Power Coin. With it, Tommy morphed into the Green Ranger and fought the Power Rangers,
defeating them in a couple of battles. Tommy was given the Sword of Darkness to finish off the Rangers, but Jason defeated
Green Ranger in combat and destroyed the Sword of Darkness, releasing the spell over Tommy, making him the newest Power Ranger.
Green Ranger's power weapon is the Dragon Dagger, which doubles as a flute and plays music to summon the Dragonzord. As Green
Ranger, Tommy gained enhanced strength, speed, and durability as well as limited energy projection. Green Ranger also wore
a special shield around his chest which protected him from many attacks. Tommy is a bit forgetful and dim-witted at times,
but he more than makes up for it with his nobility and courage. Tommy eventually lost his powers after Rita created a Green
Candle that took his powers away as it burned down. After losing their Power Coins, the Rangers called on Tommy to once again
become the Green Ranger by using the Dragon Coin and Zordon's energy. The powers were only temporary, and Tommy once again
lost his powers as Green Ranger.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/White Ranger
Ranger Designation: White Power Ranger, White Ninja Ranger
Weapons: Saba
Gear: White Ranger Shield, Power Morpher with Power Coin, White Shark Cycle, Wrist Communicator
Zords: Tigerzord, Falconzord, White Shogunzord
After he lost the Green Ranger powers, the Power Rangers team was down to five. To keep up with the increasing intensity
of Lord Zedd's attacks, Zordon created new White Ranger Powers and gave them to the only one he felt was worthy of receiving
them - Tommy. With the Tiger Power Coin, Tommy rejoined the team and led them into one victory after another. White Ranger's
power weapon is Saba, a talking Sabre that also controls the Tigerzord. As White Ranger, Tommy gained enhanced strength, speed,
and durability as well as limited energy projection. He wore a special shield around his chest which protected him from many
attacks. His powers were greater than those of the other Rangers, making him a nearly invincible opponent. When Tommy lost
his powers after Rito Revolto's attack on Angel Grove, he gained new powers with the Falcon Power Coin given to him by Ninjor
on the Rangers' journey to the Temple of Power.
Power Rangers Zeo/Zeo Ranger V - Red
Ranger Designation: Zeo Ranger V - Red
Weapons: Zeo Pistol, Zeo Blade, Sword
Gear: Wrist Communicator, Zeonizer with Zeo Crystal, Red Zeo Jet Cycle
Zords: Zeo Zord Five, Red Battlezord, Super Zeo Zord Five
To retrieve the Red Zeo sub-crystal, Tommy had to travel to America's past, where a wise old shaman tested Tommy's ability
to follow his instincts, and rewarded him with the crystal. Tommy had to choose the right pouch out of three which contained
the crystal. Before Tommy returned home, the shaman gave him half of an arrowhead, the other half belonging to his long lost
brother, David. The combined arrow was capable of controlling an ancient spirit known as an Autocthon.
Power Rangers Turbo/Red Turbo Ranger
Ranger Designation: Red Turbo Ranger
Weapons: Turbo Blaster, Turbo Sword, Lightning Sword
Gear: Turbo Morpher, Red Turbo Cart
Zords: Red Lightning
Tommy, the Red Turbo Ranger, continued as the leader of the Rangers after their Turbo transition, and as such possesses
the superior attributes one would expect of any commander. He is brave and heroic, with a powerful sense of duty, honour and
commitment. Tommy knows how important the Turbo Rangers are in the fight against evil, and never hesitates to accept his role
at the forefront of the battle in his Turbo Zord, Red Lightning, with his trusty Lightning Sword. Tommy passed on his Turbo
powers to new Red Ranger TJ.
Tommy returned years later as the Red Zeo Ranger to lead 9 other Red Rangers on a mission to prevent the Machine Empire
from using Serpentera to destroy Earth.
Power Rangers DinoThunder/Black Dino Ranger
Ranger Designation: Black Dino Ranger
Weapons: Brachio Staff
Gear: Brachio Morpher, Raptor Rider, Dino ATV
Zords: Brachiozord, Cephalazord, Dimetrozord, Parasaurzord, Ankylozord, Stegazord
Tommy has a long history as a Power Ranger. Originally the Green Power Ranger, he is forced to fight for evil. Fortunately,
the spell is broken and he redeems himself as he later becomes the White Power Ranger. Tommy completes his destiny by becoming
the Red Zeo Ranger, and later becoming the Red Turbo Ranger before passing on his powers to TJ.
Now as a mild mannered science teacher, Tommy recruits three of his students, chosen by the Dino Gems; to become the next
generation of Power Rangers. Tommy joins the team by becoming the Black Ranger to combat evil. He has the power of invisibility
and the Brachiozord to assist him in the fight.
During a near death experience, Tommy must battle his former selves as the Green Power Ranger, the White Power Ranger,
and the Red Zeo Ranger; in a dream where he is forced to fight for his life. Tommy is able to prove once and for all that
his will to live is stronger than any Ranger power.
Tommy used up the remainder of his Dino Gem energy in the final battle against Mesogog. He later goes on to continue teaching
and plans to live the quiet life. In 20 years, S.P.D. cadets will have read all about him at the Academy.






